Momentum in Cell & Gene Therapy Symposium

ART-TG and SK pharmteco are thrilled to invite you to the inaugural Momentum in Cell & Gene Therapy Symposium,
register below! 

Join us for a journey through the latest advancements and innovations in Cell and Gene therapy. Featuring world-renowned speakers and key players in the fields of R&D, clinical research, or biotechnology, this immersive conference promises a full day of groundbreaking presentations, dynamic discussions, and invaluable networking opportunities.

The program includes an opening presentation by Bruce Levine from the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a session about the Development of CAR-T cells therapies. 

A keynote presentation by Michael Hudececk from Wurtzburg University will set the stage for a session featuring various types of Next Generation Cell and Gene Therapies. 

Finally, a keynote address by Audrey Greenberg from SK pharmteco will highlight the Biotech Perspectives illustrated by two French successful gene therapy biotech presentations. 

Altogether, 16 speakers will intervene and a poster exhibit will be available during breaks and lunchtime to feature recent research. 

Open to all interested parties including students, researchers, clinicians, industry personnel as well as investors, the event is free of charge. Attendance may be limited, so register early by clicking here

The event is organized by SK pharmteco in collaboration with ART-TG, an Inserm laboratory aiming to accelerate the development of cell and gene therapies by bridging academic and industrial research. The organizers acknowledge the support of the Region Ile-de-France through the DIMBioconvS network and Génopole.  

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