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Today, we were delighted to welcome tks | publisher, event organiser, media agency #ChemistryToday Editorial Director Gayle De Maria and Global Business Development Simona Rivarollo to our #AnalyticalLabs in Dublin.

These first-class labs provide #analyticalservices to customers with, and independent of, any manufacturing contract.

Gayle and Simona enjoyed a tour of our Analytical Labs, provided by Dr Matthew Webberley, giving a brief overview of our state-of-art instrumentation.

Matthew recently published a peer-reviewed article in #ChemistryToday entitled ‘Streamlining Analytical Method Development for a range of Genotoxic Impurities’, click here to read:

We hope the visit inspires many more articles, focusing on our areas of expertise, from the wider team at Swords.

#teknoscienze #chemicaoggi #skbiotekirelandanalyticalservices #skbiotekireland #swordscampus